Toegang tot bepaalde sites

Beste klant,

Momenteel is toegang tot bepaalde sites moeilijk tot niet mogelijk. Edpnet is zich hiervan bewust en we zijn traffiek aan het herrouteren. We trachten dit binnen het komende uur opgelost te krijgen.
Onze excuus voor het ongemak.

Some sites have bad reachability or not reachable at the moment.This is known problem at EDPnet , we are trying to reroute traffic. We suspect it will be done within a hour.
Our apologies for any inconvenience

Problem solved.

19 February 2013

There is a maintenance scheduled in East and West Flanders that will impact all the edpnet services (DSL, VoIP, …).

Maintenance window: 19/02 00h00 – 19/02 00h30.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

Reminder: This is just to remind you that the maintenance will be accomplished tonight.

We advise you restarting your modem/router after the maintenance has been completed.

Update: The maintenance was successfully done within the announced time window.

24 January 2013

There is a maintenance scheduled impacting all of Belgium.
During the maintenance all edpnet services (DSL, VoIP, …) will be impacted.

Maintenance window: 02:00 – 06:00
Downtime: ~30 minutes We advice you to restart your modem/router after the maintenance has been completed. Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

Update 24/01/2013
The first stage of this maintenance was successfully done. All the edpnet services are up. There will be the second maintenance to plan soon. As soon as we know an exact date we will keep you posted.