Outage: Internet services (solved)

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with Internet services. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2017-04-25 11:30*
End: 2017-04-25 12:10*
Duration: 40 minutes
Impacted services: All data services (Internet, telephony)
Affected Areas: Brussels, Antwerpen, Limburg, Flemish Brabant

Update 25/04 12:10: All lines are restored. Reason of outage: unexpected issue on the server.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: DNS and mail services

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with one of our servers, causing issues with DNS and mail delivery to be stalled for a while. All impacted services have been restored by our NOC team at around 7 PM, our mail relays cleared out their backlogs.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-02-19 14:00*
End: 2016-02-19 19:00*
Duration: 5 hours
Impacted services: DNS and mail services
Affected Areas: All areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: NL internet services: Solved

Update: Our services will be back online within 30 minutes

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with internet services in the Netherlands. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-12-29 15:30
End: 2016-12-29 16:20
Duration: 50 min
Impacted services: Internet services
Affected Areas: NL


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: All telephony services (solved)

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with telephony. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-11-18 13:32*
End: 2016-11-18 20:00*
Duration: 6:28
Impacted services: All telephony services
Affected Areas: All areas

Update 18/11 20:00: Full capacity is restored, multiple link resets were needed to restore all links. The problem will be investigated and corrective measures will be taken to avoid this issue in the future.

Update 18/11 14:56: The hardware replacement did not have the required effect and telephony is currently running at reduced capacity. We are still looking into solving the issue as soon as possible.

Update 18/11 13:52: The fault was found (hardware failure) and the piece has been replaced. We are following up and monitoring the issue.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Internet services (solved)

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with internet services in the Wavre / Charleroi areas. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-11-3 16:15*
End: 2016-11-3 16:40*
Duration: 25 minutes
Impacted services: All services
Affected Areas: 071GIL: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071

Update 4/11/2016 10:15: the solution has been found, proximus is resetting the communication paths one by one, lines should be starting to get back online one by one.  We advise you to reboot your router if you do not see any changes in the status of your connection after 30 min.

Update 4/11/2016 8:08: some lines remain offline, rebooting doesn’t seem to help. These cases are under investigation, we do our utmost to have the issue resolved.

Update 3/11/2016 21:45: Root cause found, works were performed to extend our capacity, and a configuration mistake was made by proximus. The configuration is adapted and we recommend rebooting your device to regain internet access.

Update 3/11/2016 17:00 Recovery of offline customers is our top priority. A lot of the affected lines are back up, but there are still some down.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Power outage at edpnet colocation


Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage at our colocation in Sint-Niklaas. For now all systems are running again.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-09-26 07:00*
End: 2016-09-26 16:50*
Duration: Telephony and web services: 3 hours

Mail: 9 hours 50 min

Impacted services: All telephony services, mail, web services
Affected Areas: All areas

Update 26/09/2016 – 21:30: Incoming voice should be fine now as well.

Update 26/09/2016 – 20:00: We hit the same issue as this morning, power outage of the collocation in Sint-Niklaas, probably due to a faulty UPS, we now bypassed the UPS and are starting all services again.
We added extra protection for the main router and our telephony system so no impact was expected there, but due to a strange coincidence our incoming voice also appears to be impacted by a fiber cut in Brussels that forced a reroute.

Update 26/09/16 – 16:50: High mail latency is solved.

Update 26/09/16 – 14-00: Webmail service is restored, but some customers still could face mail latency about 1 hour due to the huge amount of mails to be delivered on our servers.

Update 26/09/2016 – 12:30: Webmail is currently down in order to avoid too much delay and heavy traffic towards our backup mail system. 

Update 26/09/2016 – 10:19: All impacted services have been restored and are running again. Our mail relays are clearing out their backlogs.  We expect normal mail traffic flow to be resumed soon.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Mail delivery : Solved

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with our mail services. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-08-01 21:00*
End: 2016-08-02 10:50*
Duration: 13h50
Impacted services: outgoing/incoming mail delivery
Affected Areas: all

No mails were lost.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Routing issue with outbound calls to mobile & international numbers [SOLVED]

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with outbound calls to mobile & international numbers. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-06-30 10:45*
End: 2016-06-30 12:15*
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Impacted services: Telephony, outbound
Affected Areas: All

Update 11:05: We have found the issue and are currently progressing to solve it.

Update 11:35: We are currently performing an update on our routing which, in a few minutes, should solve the issue.

Update 12:15: All routings have been adjusted and no more problems should occur

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Walloon Brabant, Hainaut – all services impacted

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with DSL and voice services in Walloon Brabant, Hainaut. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-06-19 17:38*
End: 2016-06-19 18:53
Duration: 1h 25m
Impacted services: All DSL services: Internet, VOIP telephony
Affected Areas: Walloon Brabant, Hainaut: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071

Update 19:44: the problem has been resolved, power issues at the colocation of proximus

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony

Dear customers,

We have experienced a short interruption on our telephony services.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-06-01 14:42 PM
End: 2016-06-01 14:48 PM
Duration: 5 minutes
Impacted services: Voice
Affected Areas: All


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time